Impact of Textile Waste on Environment


Feb 23,2023

There are mainly two kinds of environmental pollution caused by waste textiles:

Slurry, printing and dyeing auxilaries -- textile printing and dyeing industry is one of the major industrial sectors of water consumption and sewage discharge, about 7 billion tons of wastewater discharge each year. These substances discharged in rivers and lakes, people are already very short of water will cause more serious pollution, not only directly harm people's health, but also seriously damage the ecology, water environment and soil, will cause serious consequences.

Textile fiber products - up to 30 million tons of textiles are discarded worldwide each year. They are rarely recycled as waste resources, but are either buried or burned. Because synthetic fiber textiles such as polyester, nylon and acrylic are not easy to degrade, they do great harm to soil environment after burial. In addition, textiles containing synthetic fibers produce a lot of toxic gases in the combustion process, causing air pollution.